With a UFCU Private Student Loans, students can borrow up to $15,000 annually to cover the cost of school, and payments are deferred while you are in school at least half-time. For more information about the private student loan application process,
Loan Features :
- No Origination Fee
- No Repayment Fee
- No Insurance Fee
- 25% interest rate reduction with automatic payments
- Fixed and Variable interest rate options
- .25% interest rate reduction after 48 consecutive on-time payments
- Several repayment options including deferred payments while in school
- 6-month grace period before repayment begins
- 10 year repayment term after graduation
Interest rates vary based on the creditworthiness or the borrower and cosigner, if applicable. You can more learn here. https://www.ufcu.org/accounts/loans/education/